‘Over the Hill’

I've recently turned 40 and have found myself contemplating what lies on the road ahead and reflecting on the paths I've navigated to arrive at this stage in life. Supposedly, I'm at the 'halfway' point of my life (though many say it's age 50 these days), looking downhill toward the end. I don't accept this view... Continue Reading →

Reentering the Blogosphere

Well, I made a bet with myself that I could stay out of the blog world for six moths and I did; yet, I don't have that feeling of victory. Although I'm super happy and excited to be back, I feel a bit sad about the good times I could have had in the blogosphere... Continue Reading →

Recognizing Life’s Imbalances

Once again, I find my life tilted too heavily toward one aspect, leaving others to fall by the wayside. Why can't I work hard, play much and love a lot all at the same time? Putting forth excellence on the job shouldn't necessarily consume personal time and diminish opportunities to spend moments with those I... Continue Reading →

Don’t Be Emotionally Drained Without Knowledge Gained

Too often, when in the midst of a discussion or debate, people get worked up when others refuse to accept their opinions. Just because a person does not accept your viewpoint does not mean that you should take it to heart. A rejection of one's ideas is not a rejection of a person as a... Continue Reading →

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