The Versatile Blogger Award

The conditional cognition blog just received the Versatile Blogger Award! All thanks goes to one of my favorite blogs, Miss Demure Restraint, for presenting the award to this blog. She's a funny, witty author that knows how to tell a good story. You should check her out sometime. When I first received the information regarding the... Continue Reading →

Mourning the Loss of My Domain Name

It's been over a year since I've posted anything. In the summer of 2010, I went a period of time without home access to the Internet and made little to no effort to get online. Big mistake! As a result of my blatant lack of respect for keeping up to date on my electronic communications... Continue Reading →

Conglomerate of Blog Conglomerates

At the end of last year I was on a mission to find online venues that enable me to connect with other bloggers possessing similar writing and reading interests. Initially, I imagined a singular location online, a panacea for all my blog networking woes. I eventually accepted the fact that there is no such place... Continue Reading →

Reentering the Blogosphere

Well, I made a bet with myself that I could stay out of the blog world for six moths and I did; yet, I don't have that feeling of victory. Although I'm super happy and excited to be back, I feel a bit sad about the good times I could have had in the blogosphere... Continue Reading →

Best WordPress Design 2009 Contest

OK, this post isn't along the lines of most of my content; yet, it aligns with one of my initial objectives for conditional cognition: getting a perspective from others, who know little or nothing about me (this doesn't mean that I do not value hearing from those that do, but I get that on a... Continue Reading →

Recognizing Life’s Imbalances

Once again, I find my life tilted too heavily toward one aspect, leaving others to fall by the wayside. Why can't I work hard, play much and love a lot all at the same time? Putting forth excellence on the job shouldn't necessarily consume personal time and diminish opportunities to spend moments with those I... Continue Reading →

Hello World!

According to, I guess that’s how it all begins, with a big “hello” to the world.....or at least to anyone who happens to pass through here as they navigate through the seemingly endless expanse of cyberspace trying to find something interesting to read, view, check out, etc. I’m not sure exactly why I feel... Continue Reading →

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